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Extravaganzas 1998-2000

While I was creating the Saints and Guardian Angels, I was commissioned to do a large abstract painting.  It sounded like a refreshing change and I began it enthusiastically. I drew a large circle on the top two-thirds of a six-foot-by-four-foot canvas, and then let it have a life of it’s own. I fell in love with the process and was delightfully surprised with the results. I was so taken with this process, I decided to make a “twenty painting series” and take each painting to it’s most extravagant end.  I was very familiar with overindulgence already.  Well, one amazing revelation led to another wondrous surprise and I was hooked. Within two and a half years, there were twenty six-foot-by-four-foot “extravaganzas!”  The joy of the discoveries of shape, color and composition was intoxicating.  In January 2000, the “extravaganzas” were shown in Santa Rosa, California.  Like the Saints and Guardian Angels before them, they also glow in the dark, producing a very different composition when the lights are out.