koi poems
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koi poems

Koi Poems 2000-2003

I was a groundskeeper for nine years at an estate that had over 700 bonzai trees, formal Japanese gardens, and a large koi pond.  Over the koi pond was a latticed sun filter.  This filter made “striped” reflections on the water.  The fish swimming to get the floating food stirred these “stripes” to make fascinating patters.  These patterns occupied three years work from 200-20003.  From the filter patterns on the rocks and water, the sun filled blank areas, where the fish become “ghosts” beneath the surface, the pebbles that appear and disappear to the bamboo and kiwi around the pond, all have captivated my imagination.  Ah, but it’s all in the eye of the beholder.  So, please, behold, begin, be my guest – and may all your beholding be be-autiful!